Dunkin Donuts Project
I'm currently living in Shorewood; however, my husband and I are looking to downsize and possibly relocate to Plainfield. During our house search last week, we noticed the sign on the property apparently designated for Dunkin Donuts. We made some inquiries and since learned that not only is a Dunkin Donuts going in, but that customers will enter and exit on Arnold Street! Surely, I'm mistaken! I had hoped to attend your zoning meeting to better understand what's going on, however, I was advised that it has been postponed until April. If this information is accurate, we may need to re-evaluate our decision to relocate to Plainfield and we absolutely will not pursue ANY discussions regarding the house for sale on Arnold! I believe it presents a huge safety issue to have this kind of traffic on a neighborhood street. I heard that this area was a family friendly neighborhood, however; that's not the impression I got after reviewing the plan online. Is there more to this that I don't know or understand? Surely, you do not place urban grown above the safety of those living within your community? Plainfield is a lovely community with a charming downtown area. I trust you will rethink your plan and come up with sometime more feasible. Thank you.