Support the development of downtown housing in the Warehouse District. Establish incentives that will encourage residential development in a compact area sufficient to create economies of scale sufficient to support residential service businesses such as laundry/dry cleaning, restaurants, drug store, and etcetera which will be a catalyst for further development.
This makes sense if grocery shopping is added downtown that is within walking distance of the condos. This will make downtown Peoria more attractive, more conducive to retired folks who could live downtown, and add convenience to those working downtown.
Hi Frank. Would an indoor public market help? Take a look at this campaign to learn more: https://www.yourmunicipal.com/projects/a-vision-for-downtown-peoria-and-the-riverfront/ideas/peoria-public-market
Peoria Journal Star: Developer plans luxury apartments at Julian Hotel site (March 8, 2017) "If you've ever wanted to live across the street from a ballpark, you'll soon have that opportunity in Downtown Peoria. Kelly Petersen and his wife, Ashley, owner of ARMS/ Absolute Risk Management Solutions, an East Peoria-based investment development company, plan to turn the old Julian Hotel, 724 SW Adams St., into Stonewood Luxury Apartments, a 20-unit complex that will include a doorman, garage space and valet parking for tenants."
This will help support the downtown business and help attract people downtown easier
we need to increase the tax base of the downtown area and try to reduce commuter traffic to the downtown center. New housing, and a grocery should do wonders for bringing people back to the area.
I like your line of thinking, Sue! I too love the idea of downtown living but certainly cannot afford a luxury condo.
If I am to stay in this area after my retirement, I would like to see loft housing condos available for purchase that are more upscale than what is being targeted for younger residents. It would seem that there are many empty nesters who would enjoy this lifestyle choice if available.
Because would-be downtown dwellers need MORE residential options (ex: contemporary and mixed-use highrises and midrises) besides rehabbed warehouses. Peoria's ' Twin Towers Place ', completed in 1984, is the only residential building in that category not built specifically for the disabled and elderly.
Along with urban housing in the Warehouse District let's promote and support mixed-use buildings, streetscape and rooftop gardens. Rooftop gardens can be green roofs or urban agriculture for restaurants, stores or personal uses. Green walls on the facades that have an environmental impact as well as aesthetics to the Warehouse District.
We need the catalyst to get things moving more quickly in the Warehouse District. We've talked long enough. There has been major investment in infrastructure, but the development has to make economic sense for the developers and the eventual residents. The City should remove any unreasonable hurdles to development in this area.

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A Vision for Downtown Peoria and the Riverfront
Urban Housing

Support the development of downtown housing in the Warehouse District. Establish incentives that will encourage residential development in a compact area sufficient to create economies of scale sufficient to support residential service businesses such as laundry/dry cleaning, restaurants, drug store, and etcetera which will be a catalyst for further development.
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Rehabbing buildings in the warehouse district and new development for mixed-use buildings should be done simultaneously..it takes an average of two years to complete a project in the warehouse district..by that time, you would already have two or more new development projects done..we should encourage new and existing businesses to relocate anywhere they choose in downtown..not to be limited to the warehouse district..too many parking lots for my taste, cause, downtown looks abandoned at night with all the empty lots.
This makes sense if grocery shopping is added downtown that is within walking distance of the condos. This will make downtown Peoria more attractive, more conducive to retired folks who could live downtown, and add convenience to those working downtown.
Hi Frank. Would an indoor public market help? Take a look at this campaign to learn more: https://www.yourmunicipal.com/projects/a-vision-for-downtown-peoria-and-the-riverfront/ideas/peoria-public-market
Peoria Journal Star: Developer plans luxury apartments at Julian Hotel site (March 8, 2017) "If you've ever wanted to live across the street from a ballpark, you'll soon have that opportunity in Downtown Peoria. Kelly Petersen and his wife, Ashley, owner of ARMS/ Absolute Risk Management Solutions, an East Peoria-based investment development company, plan to turn the old Julian Hotel, 724 SW Adams St., into Stonewood Luxury Apartments, a 20-unit complex that will include a doorman, garage space and valet parking for tenants."
This will help support the downtown business and help attract people downtown easier
we need to increase the tax base of the downtown area and try to reduce commuter traffic to the downtown center. New housing, and a grocery should do wonders for bringing people back to the area.
I like your line of thinking, Sue! I too love the idea of downtown living but certainly cannot afford a luxury condo.
If I am to stay in this area after my retirement, I would like to see loft housing condos available for purchase that are more upscale than what is being targeted for younger residents. It would seem that there are many empty nesters who would enjoy this lifestyle choice if available.
Because would-be downtown dwellers need MORE residential options (ex: contemporary and mixed-use highrises and midrises) besides rehabbed warehouses. Peoria's ' Twin Towers Place ', completed in 1984, is the only residential building in that category not built specifically for the disabled and elderly.
Along with urban housing in the Warehouse District let's promote and support mixed-use buildings, streetscape and rooftop gardens. Rooftop gardens can be green roofs or urban agriculture for restaurants, stores or personal uses. Green walls on the facades that have an environmental impact as well as aesthetics to the Warehouse District.
We need the catalyst to get things moving more quickly in the Warehouse District. We've talked long enough. There has been major investment in infrastructure, but the development has to make economic sense for the developers and the eventual residents. The City should remove any unreasonable hurdles to development in this area.
Rehabbing buildings in the warehouse district and new development for mixed-use buildings should be done simultaneously..it takes an average of two years to complete a project in the warehouse district..by that time, you would already have two or more new development projects done..we should encourage new and existing businesses to relocate anywhere they choose in downtown..not to be limited to the warehouse district..too many parking lots for my taste, cause, downtown looks abandoned at night with all the empty lots.