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Betty Friedan Memorial Sculpture Park

Peoria, IL
Betty Friedan Memorial Sculpture Park

Peorian Betty Friedan's book "Feminine Mystique" started the women's movement and ultimately changed the world. Throughout her life she championed equality for all people regardless of gender, race, religion, or origin. Her global impact calls for proper acknowledgement. Peoria could honor this great woman's contributions, accomplishments, and vision with an equality themed sculpture park of many artists, local and international. Add interactive art and there's even more reasons for people to visit downtown.

Terry Goff Hanna City, IL

Peoria possesses a wealth of thought-leader legacy. This idea begins to put community context around that aspect of our history and would inspire new generations.

Diane Brown Peoria, IL

The Betty Friedan Hometown Tribute has existed for 10 years and looks forward to working with all interested in promoting a statue to honor our most famous daughter, one of the most influential people of the 20th century in bringing women's rights in to it's 2nd Wave after the suffragist movement 1st wave earlier.

Fran Kepler Mapleton, IL

I want young women to aspire to greatness in any field they choose. I want young women to know that feminism is not a bad word. It does not mean men are the enemy but misogyny is real.

Nancy Long Peoria, IL

This would be an excellent field trip stop for students and adults, so close to the Riverfront and CAT museums, Preston Jackson sculptures, restaurants and summer lunch carts.

Ginny Watkins Minnetonka, MN

I am chair of the Betty Friedan Memorial Committee for Veteran Feminists of America (VFA). Our purpose is to support efforts for public markers honoring Betty Friedan.

Doug Leunig Peoria, IL

Well said.