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Enhance trails & bicycle paths that connect residents to parks

Buffalo Grove, IL
Enhance trails & bicycle paths that connect residents to parks

Connectivity and accessibility to the Buffalo Grove’s parks is critical to maintaining a high quality of life. Enhancement of trails and bike paths is important to accomplishing this goal.

There was a whole plan put together by Ed Barsoti and Ride Illinois with suggestions on improving bike paths and on road cycling within Buffalo Grove. This was done a few years ago and it went nowhere. I hope someone still has it and will leverage for this new project.

I would love to see a major bike path network come through BG!

Serena Jamison Buffalo Grove, IL

1. Safety along main thoroughfares for walkers and bikers especially so that they can access local businesses.
2. Ensure accessibility -- example being lack of sidewalks on Weiland between Lake Cook and Pauline roads. This will give better access to parklands and businesses along Weiland.
3. Publishing maps and/or online resources for walking, biking, dog trails -- the ones that are able to be accessed seem very unclear. Pertinent information should be marked clearly and helpfully so that people can access. Perhaps partnering with other municipalities (e.g. Wheeling, Arlington Heights) may also assist with this project as this could allow many municipalities to pool resources as well.

I would like to see a connection with a bike path from northern Arlington Heights Road to Sunset Foods on Route 83 in Long Grove. The northern area of BG doesn't have bike access to a grocery store for those of us at the northern end of Arlington Heights Road and McHenry Road corridor.