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New 18th Street Gateway/Transit Center

Chicago, IL

Use the existing 18th Street ME station area and the underutilized strip of land between the ME tracks and Lake Shore Drive to create a multimodal center to allow for sheltered bus waiting, drop-off areas, and a better, more cohesive pedestrian link between the South Loop and the Museum Campus.

Rex Babiera Chicago, IL

This idea could pair well with some kind of circulator trolley (as seen elsewhere on this web site). Also, if there were a way to also re-connect the two halves of 18th street (across the train tracks), that could provide additional pathways for future bus and car routes toward Michigan Ave., and the Red and Green lines at 22nd street.

Robert Leffingwell Chicago, IL

South Shore trains don't stop at 18th Street.

Unknown User Chicago, IL

Ditto and I refer the reader to my previous comments regarding using the McCormick Place Bus route.