Looking West from the new Lucas Museum site, what do you see?: http://bit.ly/UY5GvE
Shiny Metra Electric trains just 500ft (less than a block) from the Museum site, and from above you can see just how close to the Museum those Metra trains presently operate: http://bit.ly/1o9MSFX
Upgrading of the in-city Metra Electric District lines to CTA Gray Line "L" service would provide a train every 5 to 10 minutes from the Millennium Park Station at Michigan & Randolph, direct to the Lucas Museum entrance, running on already E X I S T I N G Metra rail facilities in use every day: http://bit.ly/GrayLineInfo
It could also be up and running quickly to serve all the thousands of construction workers that will be required to BUILD the new Museum (AND the close by new McCormick/DePaul Arena, Hotels, and other large area Entertainment Facilities). At present there is little or NO parking throughout the entire Museum Campus/McCormick Place area, to accommodate all of those thousands of workers on a daily basis.
The CTA Gray Line would also provide new CTA "L" service to the entire South, and Southeast Sides; and provide access for those disadvantaged communities to all the New Jobs that will be created in the Museum Campus/McCormick Place area.
In the attached Video you can see the Lucas Museum site right across Lake Shore Drive from the Metra Electric/CTA Gray Line.
Metra Electric District trains operating in Grant Park at Van Buren St -- They could provide Direct CTA Gray Line "L" Services to all those places listed just above: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBDgZuV8JKA (Thanks to Martin Miller for his Video)
Fot Questions or Information about the CTA Gray Line contact: grayline15@yahoo.com
Please read Arthur Ostrowski's 2006 Powerpoint Presentation on the Gray Line:
Please plan to attend this Free CTA Gray Line Information Event at the Henry George School on Wednesday January 21st, your Questions, Comments and Input are welcomed: http://hgchicago.org/event/a-smart-w...ay-line/?insta
Corrected Address: http://hgchicago.org/event/a-smart-way-to-meet-transit-needs-the-cta-gray-line/?insta
The Gray Line is also included in the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning's Regional Transportation Plan (RTP ID# 01-02-9003 - "CTA Gray Line "L" Route"), and it is the most "Shovel Ready" Project in the entire United States (although currently not prioritized by CTA and Metra)!
Another thing the Gray Line would accomplish is to stimulate the creation of 1,000's of New Jobs, and Billions in Economic Development in the Disadvantaged Communities along the in-city Metra Electric District routes -- which have the highest concentration of lower/lowest income neighborhoods
of the entire Metra Rail System: http://www.chicagobusiness.com/article/20130511/ISSUE01/130509751/money-train-metra-stops-and-income-levels#
This is a Prototype Model of one of the new Nippon-Sharyo Metra Electric District "New Highliner" EMU's Modified for use in a Rapid-Transit type operation. For economic reasons, half of the new MED EMU's will NOT be equipped with Washrooms.
Thusly -- the vacated Washroom bays around all four quadrants of the Center Doors (and End Doors - ala' NICTD's cars) could be equipped with Stanchions and Grab bars to accomodate Standing Passengers and Crowds -- Also to be utilized as a Staging Area for fast Boarding and Alighting of Passengers to significantly reduce Station Dwell Time in a Rapid-Transit type operation.
These modified Gallery "'L'" cars would be used only on the in-city Gray Line services, allowing the University Park Metra Suburban Trains to have a washroom in E V E R Y car -- instead of just "SOME" cars on each Metra Electric Suburban Train: http://www.grayline.20m.com/photo3.html
What a good explanation of a feasible plan that may be implemented with a modicum of fuss and a maximum of speed.
Please read Pages 12 to 18 of this May 2009 Illinois PIRG Publication: https://app.box.com/CTA-Gray-Line
Look at all the huge new construction coming into this area, including the very-close-by Lucas Museum site as can be seen in the pictures. please read the comments about transporting all those needed Constuction Workers: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-rees-landmark-move-met-20141107-story.html
Looking at the pictures of the proposed DePaul Arena, and adjacent Marriott Hotel -- You can see that they are connected by Skybridges to the McCormick Place complex. This means that the CTA Gray Line Station situated directly below McCormick Place's Great Hall, would provide a direct all-enclosed all-weather CTA "L" Station connection to the DePaul Arena. CTA's new Green Line "Cermak/McCormick Place Station" will be 3.5 Chicago Blocks away walking OUTSIDE in very changeable Chicago weather. Which "L" Line would you take to a Winter Basketball Game??
McPier has just announced the Approval of the Contract to build the new DePaul Arena, and adjacent Hyatt Hotel. Thousand of Construction Workers will be required there on a daily basis; does McPier have a plan for transporting them?
Construction starts on the new DePaul Arena and adjacent Hyatt Hotel (3 blocks from this new Cermak/McCormick Place Green Line Stop) , in April or May: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/redeye-city-mccormick-place-green-line-stop-to-open-in-early-2015-20141203-story.html
If you think the CTA Gray Line is a Good Idea -- Please register and include your support. Together we can get this new "L" service running soon!
This seems so obvious, politics between the competing transit boards must be the problem. Why is politics so often the problem instead of the solution?
Forget the power play board members, do the right thing for once.
Please attend the BGA "What's the Force Behind the Lucas Museum?" Event this coming Wednesday November 12th, 4:30pm at the Union League Club of Chicago: http://www.bettergov.org/whats_the_force_behind_the_lucas_museum/
I will be there with the big Gray Line EMU -- Please stop by and say "Hi": http://www.grayline.20m.com/photo3.html
I have heard that running Metra Electric service this frequently would overwhelm the yard capacity at Millennium Station. Having said that, though, increasing train service to every 20 or even 30 minutes off-peak would be a great improvement over the service we have now.
The Illinois Central Electric Suburban services ran many many more trains out of what was then the Randolph/South Water St. Terminal during the 40's and 50's, with the same track configuration as today. Local transit expert Harvey Kahler has drawn-up a berthing diagram for Millennium Station Metra University Park trains (on Tracks 2, 3, and 4), and CTA Gray Line trains (on Tracks 5 and 6) allowing for trains leaving every 5 minutes during Peak Hours (see image at bottom of page): http://www.grayline.20m.com/photo4.html
A city divided economically against itself cannot stand. This is a universal fact and Chicago has suffered with it for years. Creating jobs, investment and value to disadvantaged neighborhoods helps us all. In that vein, I support this proposal not just to provide downtrodden neighborhoods access to downtown Chicago amenities, but also to, hopefully, begin a larger initiative to get people to visit and invest in these neighborhoods themselves.

Show support
Add your name to a growing list of supporters that will show decision-makers that this campaign should become a reality.
Museum Campus Transportation Study
CTA Gray Line Project

Looking West from the new Lucas Museum site, what do you see?: http://bit.ly/UY5GvE
Shiny Metra Electric trains just 500ft (less than a block) from the Museum site, and from above you can see just how close to the Museum those Metra trains presently operate: http://bit.ly/1o9MSFX
Upgrading of the in-city Metra Electric District lines to CTA Gray Line "L" service would provide a train every 5 to 10 minutes from the Millennium Park Station at Michigan & Randolph, direct to the Lucas Museum entrance, running on already E X I S T I N G Metra rail facilities in use every day: http://bit.ly/GrayLineInfo
It could also be up and running quickly to serve all the thousands of construction workers that will be required to BUILD the new Museum (AND the close by new McCormick/DePaul Arena, Hotels, and other large area Entertainment Facilities). At present there is little or NO parking throughout the entire Museum Campus/McCormick Place area, to accommodate all of those thousands of workers on a daily basis.
The CTA Gray Line would also provide new CTA "L" service to the entire South, and Southeast Sides; and provide access for those disadvantaged communities to all the New Jobs that will be created in the Museum Campus/McCormick Place area.
In the attached Video you can see the Lucas Museum site right across Lake Shore Drive from the Metra Electric/CTA Gray Line.
Related topics:
The Gray Line Project has one signifcant advantage over a lot of the other Ideas (which are A L L Very Good!).
Most if not all of the submitted ideas require Major (and Expensive) New Construction. The Metra Electric/Gray Line trains are already in operation every day, with only the installation of Ventra Fare Machines (same ones as on the "L"), and Ventra turnstyles, and an increase in train frequency from hourly to 10 to 20 minutes -- to accomplish full CTA "L" operation (NO onboard Fare Collection - just like the "L"). It would also directly serve many Attractions on the South Side with new "L" service:
Millennium Park, the Museum Campus, Soldier Field, the Lucas Museum, McCormick Place and the new DePaul Arena, the Michael Reese site, Bronzeville, Oakland/Kenwood and Hyde Park, the University of Chicago, the Museum of Science and Industry, the New Apostolic Church on 63rd, the New Covenant Church Center in Grand Crossing, Chicago State University, the new Pullman National Park, the South Shore Cultural Center, the new Lakeside Development, Altgeld Gardens, the Ford Plant on 130th & Torrence, Downtown Blue Island and St. Francis Hospital.
Again, on trains that are running TODAY.
Metra Electric District trains operating in Grant Park at Van Buren St -- They could provide Direct CTA Gray Line "L" Services to all those places listed just above: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBDgZuV8JKA (Thanks to Martin Miller for his Video)
Fot Questions or Information about the CTA Gray Line contact: grayline15@yahoo.com
Please read Arthur Ostrowski's 2006 Powerpoint Presentation on the Gray Line:
Please plan to attend this Free CTA Gray Line Information Event at the Henry George School on Wednesday January 21st, your Questions, Comments and Input are welcomed: http://hgchicago.org/event/a-smart-w...ay-line/?insta
Corrected Address: http://hgchicago.org/event/a-smart-way-to-meet-transit-needs-the-cta-gray-line/?insta
The Gray Line is also included in the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning's Regional Transportation Plan (RTP ID# 01-02-9003 - "CTA Gray Line "L" Route"), and it is the most "Shovel Ready" Project in the entire United States (although currently not prioritized by CTA and Metra)!
Another thing the Gray Line would accomplish is to stimulate the creation of 1,000's of New Jobs, and Billions in Economic Development in the Disadvantaged Communities along the in-city Metra Electric District routes -- which have the highest concentration of lower/lowest income neighborhoods
of the entire Metra Rail System: http://www.chicagobusiness.com/article/20130511/ISSUE01/130509751/money-train-metra-stops-and-income-levels#
This is a Prototype Model of one of the new Nippon-Sharyo Metra Electric District "New Highliner" EMU's Modified for use in a Rapid-Transit type operation. For economic reasons, half of the new MED EMU's will NOT be equipped with Washrooms.
Thusly -- the vacated Washroom bays around all four quadrants of the Center Doors (and End Doors - ala' NICTD's cars) could be equipped with Stanchions and Grab bars to accomodate Standing Passengers and Crowds -- Also to be utilized as a Staging Area for fast Boarding and Alighting of Passengers to significantly reduce Station Dwell Time in a Rapid-Transit type operation.
These modified Gallery "'L'" cars would be used only on the in-city Gray Line services, allowing the University Park Metra Suburban Trains to have a washroom in E V E R Y car -- instead of just "SOME" cars on each Metra Electric Suburban Train: http://www.grayline.20m.com/photo3.html
What a good explanation of a feasible plan that may be implemented with a modicum of fuss and a maximum of speed.
Please read Pages 12 to 18 of this May 2009 Illinois PIRG Publication: https://app.box.com/CTA-Gray-Line
Look at all the huge new construction coming into this area, including the very-close-by Lucas Museum site as can be seen in the pictures. please read the comments about transporting all those needed Constuction Workers: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-rees-landmark-move-met-20141107-story.html
Looking at the pictures of the proposed DePaul Arena, and adjacent Marriott Hotel -- You can see that they are connected by Skybridges to the McCormick Place complex. This means that the CTA Gray Line Station situated directly below McCormick Place's Great Hall, would provide a direct all-enclosed all-weather CTA "L" Station connection to the DePaul Arena. CTA's new Green Line "Cermak/McCormick Place Station" will be 3.5 Chicago Blocks away walking OUTSIDE in very changeable Chicago weather. Which "L" Line would you take to a Winter Basketball Game??
McPier has just announced the Approval of the Contract to build the new DePaul Arena, and adjacent Hyatt Hotel. Thousand of Construction Workers will be required there on a daily basis; does McPier have a plan for transporting them?
Construction starts on the new DePaul Arena and adjacent Hyatt Hotel (3 blocks from this new Cermak/McCormick Place Green Line Stop) , in April or May: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/redeye-city-mccormick-place-green-line-stop-to-open-in-early-2015-20141203-story.html
If you think the CTA Gray Line is a Good Idea -- Please register and include your support. Together we can get this new "L" service running soon!
This seems so obvious, politics between the competing transit boards must be the problem. Why is politics so often the problem instead of the solution?
Forget the power play board members, do the right thing for once.
Please attend the BGA "What's the Force Behind the Lucas Museum?" Event this coming Wednesday November 12th, 4:30pm at the Union League Club of Chicago: http://www.bettergov.org/whats_the_force_behind_the_lucas_museum/
I will be there with the big Gray Line EMU -- Please stop by and say "Hi": http://www.grayline.20m.com/photo3.html
I have heard that running Metra Electric service this frequently would overwhelm the yard capacity at Millennium Station. Having said that, though, increasing train service to every 20 or even 30 minutes off-peak would be a great improvement over the service we have now.
The Illinois Central Electric Suburban services ran many many more trains out of what was then the Randolph/South Water St. Terminal during the 40's and 50's, with the same track configuration as today. Local transit expert Harvey Kahler has drawn-up a berthing diagram for Millennium Station Metra University Park trains (on Tracks 2, 3, and 4), and CTA Gray Line trains (on Tracks 5 and 6) allowing for trains leaving every 5 minutes during Peak Hours (see image at bottom of page): http://www.grayline.20m.com/photo4.html
A city divided economically against itself cannot stand. This is a universal fact and Chicago has suffered with it for years. Creating jobs, investment and value to disadvantaged neighborhoods helps us all. In that vein, I support this proposal not just to provide downtrodden neighborhoods access to downtown Chicago amenities, but also to, hopefully, begin a larger initiative to get people to visit and invest in these neighborhoods themselves.
The Gray Line Project has one signifcant advantage over a lot of the other Ideas (which are A L L Very Good!).
Most if not all of the submitted ideas require Major (and Expensive) New Construction. The Metra Electric/Gray Line trains are already in operation every day, with only the installation of Ventra Fare Machines (same ones as on the "L"), and Ventra turnstyles, and an increase in train frequency from hourly to 10 to 20 minutes -- to accomplish full CTA "L" operation (NO onboard Fare Collection - just like the "L"). It would also directly serve many Attractions on the South Side with new "L" service:
Millennium Park, the Museum Campus, Soldier Field, the Lucas Museum, McCormick Place and the new DePaul Arena, the Michael Reese site, Bronzeville, Oakland/Kenwood and Hyde Park, the University of Chicago, the Museum of Science and Industry, the New Apostolic Church on 63rd, the New Covenant Church Center in Grand Crossing, Chicago State University, the new Pullman National Park, the South Shore Cultural Center, the new Lakeside Development, Altgeld Gardens, the Ford Plant on 130th & Torrence, Downtown Blue Island and St. Francis Hospital.
Again, on trains that are running TODAY.