Freeways, bypasses, and state highways that run within and throughout Franklin County contain significant median width that is for the most part completely unused. The medians typically contain barrier walls and provide space between opposing lanes.
We could adapt these spaces to provide lanes for intraregional BRT or tracks for intraregional light rail connections. These roadways intersect each other in many places throughout Central Ohio, which provides an already-built web of transportation infrastructure. If these medians are re-used in this fashion, we could have strong regional transit connections.
Just imagine: Driving your car to the park and ride at the light rail stop in New Albany, taking the rail to the I-270 Junction, then directly transferring Downtown via the I-670 viaduct.

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Forge Ahead
IDEA: Adapt and Reutilize Freeway Medians

Freeways, bypasses, and state highways that run within and throughout Franklin County contain significant median width that is for the most part completely unused. The medians typically contain barrier walls and provide space between opposing lanes.
We could adapt these spaces to provide lanes for intraregional BRT or tracks for intraregional light rail connections. These roadways intersect each other in many places throughout Central Ohio, which provides an already-built web of transportation infrastructure. If these medians are re-used in this fashion, we could have strong regional transit connections.
Just imagine: Driving your car to the park and ride at the light rail stop in New Albany, taking the rail to the I-270 Junction, then directly transferring Downtown via the I-670 viaduct.