Those wanting to apply for a permit would submit a plan showing the area that will be used for display of retail items and decor. The plan will show compliance with established regulations that includes a five foot limitation of the display from the primary structure and that no pedestrian path is obstructed.
View the following links to see how the new zoning ordinance (DRAFT) addresses outdoor sales displays:
Outdoor Sales Display Definitions >>
Outdoor Sales Display Regulations >>
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Defining the Built Character of Antioch
Limit outdoor retail display & require a permit to ensure enhancement of surrounding environments
Those wanting to apply for a permit would submit a plan showing the area that will be used for display of retail items and decor. The plan will show compliance with established regulations that includes a five foot limitation of the display from the primary structure and that no pedestrian path is obstructed.
View the following links to see how the new zoning ordinance (DRAFT) addresses outdoor sales displays:
Outdoor Sales Display Definitions >>
Outdoor Sales Display Regulations >>