Develop a public/private partnership to pursue re-development of this site as rowhouses, to be completed in phases.
Low income housing in this area has ran its course..the attention and bad press is hurting future development..PHA should relocate Taft homes further away from downtown or build scattered sites for affordable housing..there's plenty of empty lots throughout the city..City of Peoria should step in and come up with a plan that can benefit everyone..alot can be done with that area when you include a possible outdoor mall, condos, townhouses, lofts and mixed-use office buildings to compliment our riverfront and skyline. If we're going to chase off developers and lose out on a multi-million dollar project, which was the River Trail apartments; that would've been a big boost for downtown..you need citizens living downtown who actually support the businesses around them..point is, why rebuild something that causes us to lose money and trash our reputation and over all, vision of downtown Peoria.

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Heart of Peoria Plan
Redevelop Taft Homes

Develop a public/private partnership to pursue re-development of this site as rowhouses, to be completed in phases.
please look at how Baltimore changed neighborhoods through mixed income housing development after tearing down some concentrations of low income housing that surrounded the downtown core.
Low income housing in this area has ran its course..the attention and bad press is hurting future development..PHA should relocate Taft homes further away from downtown or build scattered sites for affordable housing..there's plenty of empty lots throughout the city..City of Peoria should step in and come up with a plan that can benefit everyone..alot can be done with that area when you include a possible outdoor mall, condos, townhouses, lofts and mixed-use office buildings to compliment our riverfront and skyline. If we're going to chase off developers and lose out on a multi-million dollar project, which was the River Trail apartments; that would've been a big boost for downtown..you need citizens living downtown who actually support the businesses around them..point is, why rebuild something that causes us to lose money and trash our reputation and over all, vision of downtown Peoria.
please look at how Baltimore changed neighborhoods through mixed income housing development after tearing down some concentrations of low income housing that surrounded the downtown core.