We are Lake View High School LVIA (Lake View Innovation Academy) students, and our plan is to build a hanging compost bin that will be put outside the school next to our football field. The creation of this hanging compost bin can be used to dispose of lunch materials, and other waste used by the school. This project will help reduce the food waste that the school produces. It will also benefit the community by reusing food waste to make the neighborhood look nicer by fertilizing the gardens surrounding the school.
I'd like to know more about how you plan to use the compost that is generated. You might generate a lot more compost than neighborhood gardens can support.
Nicely done! All the DIY bins are super innovating and interesting. I would love to see a photo of the bin once it's built!
Love this idea of composting in schools. Some other CPS schools have began to implement composting and could offer helpful advice on how they got started! I also found this website for a composting guide for CPS schools: https://cps.edu/GoGreen/Documents/CompostingCPSGuide.pdf
I like the overall design and it's purpose, but I am confused why the bucket has to be hanging, it seems like a misuse of resources.
Composting is an amazing community resource. You could consider letting people use the resulting compost for their own private gardens as well.
What a great idea - I love that the compost bin will be visible to everyone - that might help encourage people to use it.
Really good idea! My only concern is how will the compost be distributed to gardens around Lake View? Who will be responsible for this?
I really like this idea, but what we do about the issues of rodents and pests?
Awesome idea! I like how this is something I could do with my family at home, and It is a good idea to bring back to the Lake View school community!
Neat project! What function does hanging the composter server, rather than just placing it on the ground?
The amount of food that humans waste is obscene and saddening. I can only imagine the amount of waste that is produced at a high school each day. Imagine if composting became common in schools! I haven't seen a hanging compost before either and wondered too about the purpose behind this mechanism. What an innovative and impactful idea to be a part of the movement to implement positive change to protect our environment.
I'm so glad to hear that you're interested in starting composting at your school. Like others, I'm confused by the hanging aspect of your design. That isn't necessary to keep animals out if there is a sufficient lid on the bin, plus it could make it difficult to add to, empty, and access for proper turning of the compost. It would also require the weight of food scraps (which can be quite heavy as they accumulate) to be taken into account in the design. Check out the IL Food Scrap Coalition, particularly the We Compost recognition program, which includes recognition for on-site composting, http://illinoiscomposts.org/. Also check out the K-12 section of http://green-lunchroom.istc.illinois.edu/ for more ideas related to food waste prevention and reduction at your school.
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EPIC Sustainable Neighborhood Youth Challenge - Lake View
Lakeview Compost Bin
We are Lake View High School LVIA (Lake View Innovation Academy) students, and our plan is to build a hanging compost bin that will be put outside the school next to our football field. The creation of this hanging compost bin can be used to dispose of lunch materials, and other waste used by the school. This project will help reduce the food waste that the school produces. It will also benefit the community by reusing food waste to make the neighborhood look nicer by fertilizing the gardens surrounding the school.
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I really like this idea and have done something similar for an apartment building I used to live in. The main challenge was educating the users as to what materials can and cannot be composted. The more people that can use the greater the challenge. However, if it's only kitchen staff, then it would be more straightforward. There are many resources that have printable lists that you can probably find online. In addition, you'll need to identify who will maintain the compost. Such as turning it regularly and adding water as needed. Good luck!
I'd like to know more about how you plan to use the compost that is generated. You might generate a lot more compost than neighborhood gardens can support.
Nicely done! All the DIY bins are super innovating and interesting. I would love to see a photo of the bin once it's built!
Love this idea of composting in schools. Some other CPS schools have began to implement composting and could offer helpful advice on how they got started! I also found this website for a composting guide for CPS schools: https://cps.edu/GoGreen/Documents/CompostingCPSGuide.pdf
I like the overall design and it's purpose, but I am confused why the bucket has to be hanging, it seems like a misuse of resources.
Composting is an amazing community resource. You could consider letting people use the resulting compost for their own private gardens as well.
What a great idea - I love that the compost bin will be visible to everyone - that might help encourage people to use it.
Really good idea! My only concern is how will the compost be distributed to gardens around Lake View? Who will be responsible for this?
I really like this idea, but what we do about the issues of rodents and pests?
Awesome idea! I like how this is something I could do with my family at home, and It is a good idea to bring back to the Lake View school community!
Neat project! What function does hanging the composter server, rather than just placing it on the ground?
The amount of food that humans waste is obscene and saddening. I can only imagine the amount of waste that is produced at a high school each day. Imagine if composting became common in schools! I haven't seen a hanging compost before either and wondered too about the purpose behind this mechanism. What an innovative and impactful idea to be a part of the movement to implement positive change to protect our environment.
I'm so glad to hear that you're interested in starting composting at your school. Like others, I'm confused by the hanging aspect of your design. That isn't necessary to keep animals out if there is a sufficient lid on the bin, plus it could make it difficult to add to, empty, and access for proper turning of the compost. It would also require the weight of food scraps (which can be quite heavy as they accumulate) to be taken into account in the design. Check out the IL Food Scrap Coalition, particularly the We Compost recognition program, which includes recognition for on-site composting, http://illinoiscomposts.org/. Also check out the K-12 section of http://green-lunchroom.istc.illinois.edu/ for more ideas related to food waste prevention and reduction at your school.
I really like this idea and have done something similar for an apartment building I used to live in. The main challenge was educating the users as to what materials can and cannot be composted. The more people that can use the greater the challenge. However, if it's only kitchen staff, then it would be more straightforward. There are many resources that have printable lists that you can probably find online. In addition, you'll need to identify who will maintain the compost. Such as turning it regularly and adding water as needed. Good luck!