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Outdoor Amphitheater Riverfront

East Peoria, IL
Outdoor Amphitheater Riverfront

Would love to suggest a remodel of The CEFCU Center Stage at The Landing. Perhaps a covered amphitheater with 500-600 seats and a rolling hill grass lawn that can accommodate 1000 people, where they can enjoy music, theater, the symphony etc with blankets etc. Plus the hill could possible act as a flood deterrent if the Illinois River decides to flood in the future.

Lori Rustom Peoria, IL

This perfectly ties in with the park that will replace the elevated platform so the whole area can get a face lift at the same time.

Megan Gorsuch Peoria, IL

the amphitheater could have green terraced seating as well as a lawn, or have green incorporated into concrete terracing

Kirk Sheckler Peoria, IL

I suggest looking at The Lawn at White River Park in Indianapolis as a model.