Shift parking to the east side of street and activate the west side as a linear pocket park between the ‘L’ support columns and the sidewalk. The parks could be grass, activated public plazas, dog runs or toddler play areas.
If you build it, will they come? They might be nice-looking but you'd have to want to spend time outdoors on Wabash. When it says "move parking to the east side of the street" does that mean head in parking?
I feel like this wont work for Wabash. It's just to noisy, which is definitely part of its charm, but with relatively more quite spots to meet and socialize, like the park or the riverwalk, any aesthetic improvements to Wabash should be visual. Don't get me wrong, I love Wabash, it's dark and loud and unique, the L stops give it energy and movement. We should harness those built in traits and maximize development dollars to that. I just can't picture Wabash ever being Randolph street, nor do I think it should be. Bike lanes, yes. Light and art installations, yes! Improved streetscaping and architecturally significant L stations, absolutely. Relax and chat, not so much.
We need to create more public space however we can. This doesn't mean creating large parks. Pocket parks and pedestrian zones are more affordable and achievable, with the same benefits.
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Transforming Wabash
Create Pedestrian Activity Zones
Shift parking to the east side of street and activate the west side as a linear pocket park between the ‘L’ support columns and the sidewalk. The parks could be grass, activated public plazas, dog runs or toddler play areas.
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We should find ways to make it bike and foot traffic only. We should get ride of the cars there. The L is right there.
If you build it, will they come? They might be nice-looking but you'd have to want to spend time outdoors on Wabash. When it says "move parking to the east side of the street" does that mean head in parking?
I feel like this wont work for Wabash. It's just to noisy, which is definitely part of its charm, but with relatively more quite spots to meet and socialize, like the park or the riverwalk, any aesthetic improvements to Wabash should be visual. Don't get me wrong, I love Wabash, it's dark and loud and unique, the L stops give it energy and movement. We should harness those built in traits and maximize development dollars to that. I just can't picture Wabash ever being Randolph street, nor do I think it should be. Bike lanes, yes. Light and art installations, yes! Improved streetscaping and architecturally significant L stations, absolutely. Relax and chat, not so much.
We need to create more public space however we can. This doesn't mean creating large parks. Pocket parks and pedestrian zones are more affordable and achievable, with the same benefits.
We should find ways to make it bike and foot traffic only. We should get ride of the cars there. The L is right there.