Wrightwood Park is a beautiful, medium-sized park located at Ashland and Wrightwood. For many people in the Lincoln Park and Bucktown areas, Wrightwood Park is the closest and most convenient park to visit. However, in recent years, there have been less people and less community events at Wrightwood Park, and I believe that this is because in recent years, it has become a less desirable place to be. While it used to be beautiful, well-maintained, and spotless, Wrightwood Park is now home to an abandoned and crumbling field house, two unmaintained bathrooms that are always locked to the public and which smell from 50 feet away, two water fountains that almost never work, a garden full of weeds, basketball courts without hoops or nets, a few rowdy people who do drugs there late at night, and many of rats who live in and around it's dirty, smelling dumpster containers. Even though occasional youth-focused events are still held in the field house, they are forced to use a very small and old building without working bathrooms. This campaigns purpose is to connect more people in the Lincoln Park/Bucktown neighborhoods to the outdoors and to nature by creating a desirable outdoor space for them to hang out and have fun, via renovating Wrightwood Park. Specifically, this renewal would include a renovated field house and bathrooms, working water fountains, flowers in the central garden, a better and cleaner trash disposal system which would utilize several animal-proof trashcans, new basketball hoops, and check-ups by police at least once a night. This project also revolves a lager goal of reconnecting Chicagoans to the Chicago River by connecting them to their cities and to nature.

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Regenerate Chicago Neighborhoods
Improve Wrightwood Park

Wrightwood Park is a beautiful, medium-sized park located at Ashland and Wrightwood. For many people in the Lincoln Park and Bucktown areas, Wrightwood Park is the closest and most convenient park to visit. However, in recent years, there have been less people and less community events at Wrightwood Park, and I believe that this is because in recent years, it has become a less desirable place to be. While it used to be beautiful, well-maintained, and spotless, Wrightwood Park is now home to an abandoned and crumbling field house, two unmaintained bathrooms that are always locked to the public and which smell from 50 feet away, two water fountains that almost never work, a garden full of weeds, basketball courts without hoops or nets, a few rowdy people who do drugs there late at night, and many of rats who live in and around it's dirty, smelling dumpster containers. Even though occasional youth-focused events are still held in the field house, they are forced to use a very small and old building without working bathrooms. This campaigns purpose is to connect more people in the Lincoln Park/Bucktown neighborhoods to the outdoors and to nature by creating a desirable outdoor space for them to hang out and have fun, via renovating Wrightwood Park. Specifically, this renewal would include a renovated field house and bathrooms, working water fountains, flowers in the central garden, a better and cleaner trash disposal system which would utilize several animal-proof trashcans, new basketball hoops, and check-ups by police at least once a night. This project also revolves a lager goal of reconnecting Chicagoans to the Chicago River by connecting them to their cities and to nature.