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Project lead | Partners: 36th Ward | CDOT, NWSHC
Project Timeframe: Long-term

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Improve our commercial corridors as a retail and dining environment
Bring Divvy Bikes to Belmont Cragin
Chicago, IL

Project lead | Partners: 36th Ward | CDOT, NWSHC
Project Timeframe: Long-term
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I live on Belmont and Linder and it's a long walk to Avers just to get a bike. I have a job in Lakeview and by taking the bus just to get a bike you might as well take it all the way to where you are going.
I live on Belmont and Linder and it's a long walk to Avers just to get a bike. I have a job in Lakeview and by taking the bus just to get a bike you might as well take it all the way to where you are going.