In-fill development built up to the right-of-way can bring definition and activity to the corridors.

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Heart of Peoria Plan
Encourage In-fill along Fulton and Main Streets

In-fill development built up to the right-of-way can bring definition and activity to the corridors.
Another example, where there's a lack of activity and a need for opportunity. Downtown is infamous for large parking lots that go unused for most of the day and all night. Developers and investors really need to focus on these areas. Too much real estate is going unchecked..missing out on capital and potential revenue..also, it brings down the property value of the existing structures. We have the market to support new businesses and housing..mixed-use highrises are key to provide a true urban appeal.
Another example, where there's a lack of activity and a need for opportunity. Downtown is infamous for large parking lots that go unused for most of the day and all night. Developers and investors really need to focus on these areas. Too much real estate is going unchecked..missing out on capital and potential revenue..also, it brings down the property value of the existing structures. We have the market to support new businesses and housing..mixed-use highrises are key to provide a true urban appeal.